The last few sessions of 2020, let’s hope 2021 will be a better year…
Warm clothes, gloves, hats, waterproof shoes are advised to be warn for those coming up to us as the weather can be very wet and cold this time of the year… and if anyone is feeling unwell please don’t come to our site or been in contact with anyone who has had COVID-19 orany symptoms of COVID-19.
Saturday 5th of December 11am to 1pm
Sunday 6th of December 11am to 1pm
Saturday 12th of December 12pm to 2pm
Sunday 13th of December 11am to 1pm
Saturday 19th of December 11am to 1pm (on hold)
Sunday 20th of December 11am to 1pm
Tuesday 22nd of December 11am to 1pm
If there’s any dates not on here you would like, please call 07760312428 to enquire, we have no date to close this year and we hope to open when ever we can as long as the weather and COVID rules allow us too.
We are also taking bookings for next year 2021.