We have the following dates to booking for a group booking. Group booking are £160 for up to 20 players, additional players are £8 per player. 50% deposit required to secure your booking.
To book please call 07760312428, email – hello@llandeglalasercombat.co.uk, message us through Facebook.
At the time of writing this post (21/7/21) we have –
UPDATED 20/8/21
Friday 23rd of July 1-3
Sunday 25th of July 10-12
Wednesday 28th of July 11-1
Wednesday 28th of July 2-4
Thursday 29th of July 11-1
Thursday 29th 2-4
Tuesday 3rd of August 12-2
Friday 6th of August 12-2
Wednesday 11 of August 11-1
Wednesday 11th of August 2-4
Thursday 12 of August 11-1
Thursday 12th of August 2-4
Friday 13th of August 11-1
Friday 13th of August 2-4
Wednesday 18th of August 11-1
Wednesday 18th of August 2-4
Thursday 19th of August 10-12
Saturday 21st of August 10-12
Monday 23rd of August 11-1
Monday 23rd of August 2-4
Tuesday 24th of August 1-3
Wednesday 25th of August 11-1
Wednesday 25th of August 2-4
Thursday 26th of August 11-1
Thursday 26th of August 2-4
Friday 27th of August 11-1
Friday 27th of August 2-4
Saturday 28th of August 10am to 12pm
Sunday 29th of August 10-12
Monday 30th of August 11-1
Monday 30th of August 2-4
Tuesday 31st of August 11-1
Tuesday 31st of August 2-4
Saturday 4th of September 10-12
Sunday 5th of September 11-1
Saturday 11th of September 10-12
Saturday 11th of September 1-3
Sunday 12th of September 10-12
Sunday 12th of September 1-3
Saturday 25th of September 10-12
Sunday 26th of September 1-3